
The formula of the game

50% The Walking Dead

25% Prince of Persia

15% Limbo

10% Mirrors Edge

Recently, cunning zombies have flooded almost all genres known to science. From militants and role-playing games, they moved to the casual sector of mobile arcades and Tower Defense projects-and turned into capricious charms. However, already on the platformers, the deererers of the brain have become serious and regained their former appearance. IN Deadlight They resemble colleagues from the series rather Resident Evil , not incendiary dancers from Plants vs. Zombies .


Young Madrid studio Tequila Works , Formed from industry veterans (Blizzard, Mercurysteam, Pyro, SCEE, and even WETA Digital) decided to fill up several zombies with one gulp. The Spaniards did not skimp on promises: they decided to fill the ordinary platform arcade A dramatic plot, Sprinkle spectacular scenes and season with chic graphics. Yes, and the scenery chose the right – gloomy post -apocalypse is now in fashion, and the success of projects like I am alive And Day z – excess confirmation of this.

THIS IS INTERESTING: The main source of inspiration, the players called the cult book of Cormac McCarthy "Road" and its film adaptation of the same name. And for writing the plot they called the young author Antonio Rozhano.

► The plot in DeadLight is served using comics – in games without multimillion -dollar budgets, this is fashionable.

There was a drama, but all came out

History begins in Seattle. In the yard 1986, and the world rolls to hell. The city has extinct, and the population has turned into connoisseurs of human flesh and brains. The protagonist, former police officer Randell Wayne, wanders where his eyes look, without losing hope to find the same as a lost family. Gorky bread of a hopeless trip shares with him a handful of desperate people holding closer to the representative of the authorities, who is no longer there.

An ideal starter for a dramatic narrative, a nursery of personal stories, tragic dialogs and soul -piercing scenes, to which we were taught by the series The Walking Dead! The soul is ready to empathize and empathize once again, but in the first stage, Randell for some reason cuts off from friends with a script ax, preferring proud loneliness and hallucinogenic flashbeks. And from the expected drama there are horns and legs.

► The color scheme in the style of the series The Walking Dead came in handy, and in general, the virtual Seattle is like two drops of water like a “serial” Atlanta.

THIS IS INTERESTING: The game has a direct reference to the famous The Walking Dead zombie franchise. One of the characters is indistribly similar to Glen from the series, and its appearance exactly repeats the famous scene with the tank when the character of Andrew Lincoln first falls into Atlanta.

The fault of this is the banal setting – after children who run away to nowhere, we are chasing almost every horror – and the main character himself, unconvincing, like the sign “Restaurant” over the race in the motel. Randell is always devilishly harsh and calm and more like a superman's non-dummy than on a dramatic character. Infected surviving? Shot. I went on. A crowd of zombies? Sharged into meat. Admires nature. A bottomless abyss? He jumped out with one jump. He climbs on the next high -rise building … Isn't it why the Russian police were renamed the police? Nails would be made of people like Wayne!

It is not known what Antonio Rozhano worked on so hard: an unexpected finale and a handful of PlayHub Casino second -plan slurred characters, unexpectedly dying in the midst of a dialogue – that’s all dramaism. Philosophical “strings” in the plot was also not found, and with the “road” the project is connected only by the bumy appearance of the protagonist.

► The only interesting character is a crazy old man who built a real fortress in sewers.

Walking dead

What is offered to us in this inhospitable world? Jump, jump and jump again, as bequeathed by Mario and Mario! The project justifies our genre affiliation for one hundred percent we run, jump, climb and generally feel like the offspring of faith and Prince Persia. The very decent atmosphere of Horror does not really fit with gameplay in the style Another World And Prince of Persia. However, with the advent of the first opponents, not only the atmosphere, but also the mechanics of the game gain the spirit of Survival. The hero is unarmed and defenseless, you have to hide in the shadows, lure the opponents into traps and, in general, behave quietly – a whole crowd of ceregored can run away to the noise.

At first it fascinates. And then you understand that almost any crowd can simply jump over. Barrels, boxes, skeletons of cars and platforms are found almost at every step; We climb higher and jump over the cluster of "fans" by a heroic leap.

► Putting a fatal trap, you recall Limbo once again.

And as soon as the weapon falls into our hands, DeadLight completely turns into a gloomy parody of Dead Island. True, there are few cartridges, but they are not particularly needed. From almost any bunch of zombies you can dismiss an ax. The only thing that stimulates us to avoid open clashes is a classic gamedic move: the deaths are terribly stubborn and a rod with an endless avalanche, forcing us to retreat. They crawl out from under the crumpled cars, pour on their heads from the windows, except that they do not fall out of the screen to the floor.

► lure the zombie to the car suspended on cables, and then drop it, slamming the annoying brainstorms – the developers did not come up with anything more original.

This is important: So that life does not seem very sweet, the developers added a parameter of endurance. It is spent on almost everything: from striking and to jumps. But it is restored so quickly that this does not complicate the game at all.

In fact, and to jump and chop the zombie have fun, which is facilitated not only by a slaughter ax, but also a pleasant animation. But without the proper stimulus, a monotonous gameplay manages to fill in the middle of the game, the duration of which is only three to four hours. True, endless jumps are sometimes diluted with puzzles in style Limbo.

And since the pace of the game is leisurely, there are few danger, and the world is still doomed, the player can slow down and just admire virtual beauties, relaxing on the roof of some kind of auto-gas station. The picture in the game is really amazing. For this it is worth giving thanks to the artists who caught the muse by the tail: the atmosphere of the deceased city was transmitted very reliably. Abandoned houses, rusty skeletons of cars, garbage, and only sharp sounds that the new owners of the Earth make, disturb the silence, crushing it in the stuffy lump of despair. The main thing is just to watch and not move. And do not remember the plot, as well as dramatism.

► The hero is not a lumberjack and not a fireman, but a virtuoso addresses an ax.

Another movie

In a word, we got an insanely beautiful, but one -time platformer, moreover, unreasonably short. Only Limbo-shaped puzzles and traps already mentioned already mentioned are capable of detaining us: not so much difficulty as errors of level design: active objects are sometimes fuzzy, but the elements of the background are impudently climbed.

► A scene with a helicopter cannot be dispensed with, it seems, in any modern game built on action.

In addition to passing the campaign, we are offered to take up the search for personal cards of the victims of the end of the world and the missing pages of the Randell's diary, but this will not give anything but achievement. You can, of course, kill the time reading the hero’s diary, newspaper cutouts and short stories of victims opened with the foundation of cards. But because of the flat plot, the world of the game is not of interest, and, accordingly, all desire to study it deeper disappears. All that remains for us is to ride over the hopelessness, lazily waved an ax.


  • atmosphere of despair;
  • Good directing.
  • flat plot;
  • the uniformity of the gameplay;
  • Small duration.
The main ratings






Interface and management


Sound and music

"Achivka" of the editorial office
Ominent acrobat

Chop ten thousand zombies for personal needs, find Necronomicon and become a dark lord.

Special ratings



The ideal atmosphere of the dead city, the embodiment of decline and hopelessness.



The battered, but peppy tie and a good ending are spoiled by colorless characters.

Site assessment


Above average

The monotonous, but beautiful spiritual heir Another World and Prince of Persia. And without a plot in arcade platforms, we somehow went around. However, the developers, unlike Wayne’s acrobat, were not able to jump to the bar, which they themselves set.

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